Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Funny Video of Herman Cain Trying to Distract Us from His Sex Scandal Allegations

New! Herman Cain is trying to distract us all from his recent sex scandal allegations with this funny video! This is a hilarious viral video with clips of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain spliced with another person doing his voice and interchanging the words. Already has over 1,000,000 hits in 2 days! The voice over has him saying hilarious phrases like warning against "big potato moths" and he recommends we "throw out the good guys' coal." The maker must be a lip reader because it matches the clips of Herman Cain talking perfectly talking about anything but his recent sex scandal allegations! So Funny!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Believe it or not - Former AIG CEO Sues Government Over Bailout

This piece of work, former AIG corporate suit CEO Maurice "Hank" Greenberg is filing a lawsuit accusing the US government of taking valuable assets without fair compensation in exchange for the government's 80% stake in the company.

While her Greenberg has a fair argument, many shareholders were hurt, however they company wouldn't have needed bailing out in the first place if it wasn't run the way it was. Sorry Mr. Greenberg, but since the government generously handed over billions of dollars to save your previous corporation they are entitled get a return on their money, because they are in effect the largest shareholder.

Good luck on this suit, we'll see if it ever sees the light of day. Believe it or not, this is true!

Thanksgiving Travel - Despite the Cost, 11% More Likely to Travel Up from Last Year

Despite the cost and the bad economy, approximately 42.5 Million people are expected to travel for Thanksgiving according to AAA, and 4% of Thanksgiving holiday travelers will do so by air, up from last year.

They say more people are willing to spend this year. Really? I find that hard to believe. With how bad the economy my guess is any money spent in gas and airfare will be offset in the retail industry by people trimming their holiday shopping budget and saving money there. Whether the stock market likes it or not, people are still focused on keeping every available dollar in their pockets!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Herman Cain's Brain Fart on Libya!

Yesterday Herman "Pizza Boy" Cain had two 10 second brain farts when asked about if he agreed or not with how Obama handled the Libya conflict, a very specific question. He pauses, for an uncomfortably long time after being asked and then stalls while he tries to remember if Libya was the country with Muammar Gaddafi or if he was confusing it with another country with a tyrant. He then finally, emphatically responds "SPECIFICALLY, what are you asking me?" Hilarious!

He also said that as the president he would have listened to everything congress and the military leaders had to say, and then he alone would make the decision. Hmm, not sure if we want a Pizza CEO in office. But it's okay Herman, you're only human. We all have brain freeze from time to time. But next time do please do some more research on the middle east. We need a president that can do more than just balance the finances.

Good Ol' Boy Rick Perry!

Wow, he really outdid himself this time. I mean god by the way. This local yokel Texan delivered again in this week's debate. This is beginning to be a trend for ol' Rick. He is not a good debater and saying "Oops" on national television because you forgot the department of energy just punctuates this.

Perry gaffe in debate remembering - Youtube

Okay, let's cut ol' Rick some slack. He just a simple Texan Governor that is trying to help... wait a minute, that's right, this man is a Governor! God help us all if he gets elected. Wait, we won't need God's help, he's almost at the bottom of the republican field in the polls.

Nevertheless, he is interesting to listen to, he always has some crazy idea up his sleeve.

Another embarrassing moment for Gov. Rick Perry in Wednesday night's GOP presidential debate, as he struggles to remember one of his key campaign issues.

forgot department of energy rick perry rick perry flub perry gop political debates